Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week 6

We started having morning exercise at 6am.  I thought it would be horrible just thinking of it, but it actually felt really good to move and get that blood moving!  We fast walked to the river and back.. I couldn’t keep up, really.  It was more of a slow jog?  Anyways, I just need to remember to use sunscreen daily.  Or I’m gonna look like some Bolivian skinned chinito.  Haha! 
Greg has been talking about going to Argentina to see Christian for a week or two.  However, we decided not to go because Argentina charges 160 US dollars to US citizens to enter the country.  We barely have 200 dollars… no way.  Sad, but we just can’t go.  I would’ve loved to go to Buenos Aires.  People here have been saying that Buenos Aires is an extremely dangerous city, full of thieves.  So, we’re going for a vacation, maybe 2 weeks to La Paz and Peru.  Possibly Machu Pichu?!?  :D  Lake Titicaca is less than an hour away from La Paz and Peru does not charge Americans for entry.  We might go see the salt flats ..   apparently the largest in the world.  But that is a little bit far from La Paz.  On the way back to Quebrada, we might stop by Cochabamba.  We need to research more and plan things but I’m excited just thinking about it.  ^^ 
This week is all day, everyday work until Thursday afternoon.  We have a group of people coming for a spiritual retreat from churches in and around Santa Cruz.  44 people were the latest expected count.  We had to move a bunch of bricks, rebar, wood, tiles, dirt, and make a pathway to the entry of our dormitory.  I had to help in the kitchen as well.  Preparing food in Bolivia is a lot of work.  Especially for 70 people (spiritual retreat+us).  I also helped to move excess/rotten wood, trash, and mangoes to burn.  Greg and I tried to start a fire.. Andres came along a bit later as we could not get it started.  We used many different mixtures of fuel before using pure gasoline.  We were getting frustrated and we just poured a good amount and threw in a lit match.. Andres dove to the ground and Greg and I jumped backwards.  We had everyone outside look at us.  Stupid stupid move guys.  Thankfully, we’re okay.  :D 
Greg and I went to casa de cultura to use the internet.  With help from Greg, I FINALLY submitted my secondary application!  Woot!  When we are out traveling or walking about, we receive plenty of attention as ¨chinos!¨ At first I was offended, since it is more or less used with a hint of slander but hey, I´m just that cool I guess.  :P 
A group of people came for HAMACAS.  Basically, we hosted a spiritual retreat for 44 people.  Just to cook the meals for the people took much time and effort.  The cooks did make food that tasted better than normal.  :D  The effort was well received and they were eager to learn about everything.  They bought a bunch of literature, vegan bread and granola before they left.  I don’t know if I mentioned this already but, Bolivians are very good with chopsticks..  Actually, they use chopsticks way more often than I do.  Haha!  And they love Kimchi.  Now that’s a problem.  ;)  I helped a little bit with a promo video for Quebrada Leon.  Greg and I are also part of the video for interviews.  We’ll be famous! 
The Kim’s left Sunday morning.  The night before, we borrowed 200 each for our trip to La Paz and Peru while they’re gone.  I think I’ll be able to survive on that.  We were able to say our goodbyes before going to bed.  We found out that one of our new friends, Franz Cruz, knows several people from Southern!  He came from Familia Feliz in the Benni.  That was really an eye opener to how small the Adventist community can be.  Now Greg wants to visit… part of the way there involves going through the infamous Death Road.  -_____-;;;  

Dec 17-23

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